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Industry news

  • 2019-07-14
    Refractory bricks construction is a demanding and technical project, which involves the selection of materials, the control of the construction environment, the mastery of construction technology and other aspects. When carrying out refractory construction, the following points need to be noted:
  • 2023-01-05
    Zircon bricks are widely used in the field of refractories, and can be used to make zircon bricks for glass kilns, zircon bricks for steel drums, pounding materials and castables. Due to its excellent thermal shock resistance and acid resistance, zircon brick is also widely used in ceramics, enameling and metal smelting.
  • 2017-09-14
    How to choose the Right Refractory Bricks Material? Factors to consider when choosing a specific refractory brick material Chemical composition: Each type of refractory brick is designed to handle specific chemical compositions. Ensure that the material you choose is suitable for your application’s chemical composition. Thermal conductivity: Thermal conductivity measures the rate at which heat
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